Saturday, June 14, 2008

Impeach Antonin Scalia!

Apparently the recent Supreme Court decision on the right of Guantanamo detainees to seek habeas corpus review has garnered a bit of attention. I've had, for a long time now, a little CafePress shop selling "Impeach Antonin Scalia" stickers. I think it's made maybe three sales lifetime. Last night, though, someone bought not one, but, in fact, five bumper stickers. I guess they're a bit annoyed at Tony's attitude. Scalia wrote one of the two dissenting opinions; he opined that granting even so much as judicial review of the confinement of these prisoners would lead to the death of Americans. Small wonder more people want him impeached!


  1. Considering that most released Gitmo prisoners make their way back to be recaptured or killed in fighting, the real lesson seems to be to avoid keeping them well fed in the resort of prison camps. Just shake them off for quick intel, and shoot them. Since they were not captured while fighting in uniform under military command, they are not POWs, just bandits. And captured bandits are executed. By moving them to Gitmo America gives them appearance of recognition, and courts have decided now that it was a mistake. So, don't do it.

  2. Oh that's rich. I'd love nothing more than to see where you got the statistics that "most released Gitmo prisoners make their way back to be recaptured or killed in fighting."

  3. @anonymous

    Try humming the 1960s Batman TV show theme, but replace the word "Batman" with "FoxNews".

    They're both two syllables, it should work.

