Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Community project

Another cartoonist who understands Wikipedia's problems:

Unlike Wikipedia, Ted has a solution.


  1. I was thinking a lot about how different the WMF is from nearly every other volunteer project in that there is absolutely no organization of its volunteers. And I thought of a good example of the contrast while listening to an NPR story about the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

    Can you imagine if political campaigns were run like the WMF? Volunteers making their own flyers, randomly picking doors to canvass, with the same doors being knocked on over and over again and other doors never receiving a visitor. Campaign signs being overwritten time and time again because some new volunteer comes along and thinks the old one was using the wrong color.

    I could go on and on. My mind is racing with amusing examples of the analogy in action, much faster than I can type them.

    But I think you get the point. The WMF is horribly disorganized. A "Volunteer Coordinator" was hired a while ago, and in my naivety I thought that person was actually going to start solving the problem, but if so, I haven't seen it. His title is probably just another WMF doublespeak. Florence revealed today on wikien-l that the Communications Committee is charged with making sure the public doesn't find out about things. Isn't it ironic, don't ya think?

  2. At first, I thought the fat guy was hitting himself with the hammer.

  3. For the record, the "fat guy" is actually a bear. :)
